From the collection of single-use glass to the delivery to the O-I Group (formerly called BSN) furnaces which make bottles out of cullet, IPAQ is in charge of the whole post-consumer glass treatment process, monitoring every processing stage and checking carefully for quality, even beyond the Group’s specifications.

Fully supported communities

Local communities are in charge of managing consumer waste. 3,26 or 4,31 cu yard bottle banks are set up in urban areas. 1050 to 1925 pint containers are rather used to collect waste in blocks of flats. The latest “Grenelle de l’Environnement” (a series of political meetings that took place in France in October 2007, aimed at taking long-term decisions about how to protect the environment and to promote Sustainable Development. French Government representatives, trade associations and NGOs took part in those meetings) decided that 75% of post-consumer packaging waste should be recycled in 2012. This target is both ambitious but attainable. The help and skills of Adelphe and Eco-Emballages, two French organizations recognized by the authorities, the French authorities themselves who give their financial support to local communities, the regional councils and the heads of the glass industry who also contribute to the “glass taking-back bond” (la garantie de reprise du verre) should make this possible.

From manual to laser technology contaminants removal


Post-consumer container glass must be processed after being collected from private households. Collected glass is first transported to IPAQ’s stocking areas. It then undergoes different processing stages: manual removal of large contaminants, crushing, metal separator and removal of non-magnetic metals by the eddy current machine (static current). Nevertheless, the removal of infusible contaminants such as CSP (Ceramic, Porcelain and Stone) and vitroceramics (an infusible type of glass heating and cooking elements are made of) was a major difficulty. Laser technology machines solved the problem. Stoneware separators locate the contaminants impervious to X-rays, whereas machines equipped with HRUV spectrometers locate vitroceramic fragments. 
Thus, recycled glass represents a noble “ready to use” raw material that is supplied to glass furnaces.

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BP 14 - 33 450 IZON Cedex  FRANCE
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